What are you discovering about yourself on this journey? Is your mind opening to NEW thoughts and ideas? Or do you find it challenging? Finding gratitude (in the smallest things), sending love and setting an intention will bring you more peace and calm.
Something that is greatly needed given your circumstances.
This is one of many great stress management tools! It’s free, and it’s healthy.
When you know you have to write things you are grateful for, you start looking throughout your day to find things to write about. Sending love to someone you hate opens your mind.
This creates a more positive energy.
It takes the power away from them and gives it back to you! You hold the power!
Now, let’s create an “absolute no list” to help the journey into self care.
What are the things you refuse to tolerate in your life?
According to Cheryl Richardson, this list,
“Makes you feel safe, protected, taken care of and free to be your best self”.
Some examples for your absolute no list:
Not to rush
Not to use your credit card unless you pay it off fully each month