So….if I wasn’t a writer…I would want to be a better me, someone who showed up as best I could every day, someone who people could trust, someone who shows compassion, someone who has inner peace, someone who is willing, someone who works at becoming a better person, someone who can admit when they have made a mistake, someone who supports others, someone who smiles and means it, someone who can walk in another’s shoes.
Amy Marley -what a thought provoking, beautifully written piece! I love that you went to a deeper level beyond roles and titles to the share the qualities you would most like to become…
…And though we have never met and we only know in writings, I can see how you already hold these qualities — from your articles, to your highlights of other’s and your comments. I while reading your story and as I write this, it is with such a smile on my face! Your thoughts flowing like a song… That’s how I felt when I read Henery X (long) article last night. I feel blessed that we are connecting — fellow ‘light workers’ shining as bright as we can, especially during this interesting time that some would refer to as dark. And that it’s in a publication called Illumination, indeed serendipity!
I’m thrilled that you took the prompt from Ksenia Sein (another fellow light worker doing so in such a beautiful way) and myself. And I appreciate you tagging me in with my story :).
Sending light, love — and much gratitude!