Member-only story
Woman, Over 40, Divorced — You Have Permission!
As you continue on this new solo journey, have you noticed a glimpse of the possibility that there’s a bigger picture to your life? Your life — and let’s face it, your life hasn’t been about you — has it? As a woman, it seems like it never is — that is until now!
You are being awakened to make time and take care of yourself! I want you to grant yourself permission to do this now and in moving forward. It’s not selfish, it’s not pampering, it’s a necessity.
If you don’t take care of you, who the hell will?!
Now is not the time to neglect and abuse yourself (food, drink, etc).
It’s not a time to fall apart — Now is the time to come together like never before!
I encourage you to not numb yourself with alcohol, TV, comfort foods, etc. I’m not saying to never do this, but don’t do this on a regular basis. Don’t make this a stress management tool that you turn to daily. All you will accomplish is gaining weight and feeling even worse.
This is a journey about feeling better.
You need to feel the feelings you are having! This isn’t a journey of Pollyanna where you should only feel happy. You feel sad, angry, scared and probably even confused. And that’s okay! I did too and still do.